In April 2022, the European Commission launched the Green Deal for textiles, and with good reason. The textile sector has developed something of a dark side over the years. We refer to the well-known problem of textile-waste mountains in certain parts of the world and the large quantities of textiles incinerated. There are also the issues of overproduction and overstock (even post sales). These problems are persistent due to the lengthy supply chain and consumer behaviour, with fast fashion being a contentious issue. Every step in the production process will need to become more sustainable in terms of water, energy and safer chemicals usage. Digital inkjet printing has a crucial role to play in this. However, the transition from screen printing to inkjet in textiles is slow, but the Green Deal's deadlines for decarbonisation by 2030 and 2050 are propelling the race to sustainability. The presentation will assess where we currently stand, what challenges still face us and how we are progressing towards the goals. Robotics and automation have brought us to the cusp of a new era in textiles, where there is even a role for AI.